Addictive Heroin Wings. You're Welcome!

There are only two more days until the Super Bowl. That’s not a lot of time, so I’ll be brief. Make. These. Wings. You won’t regret it. They are easy and affordable and addictive. If you take them to a Super Bowl party, you will be the MVP. (You will also wind up taking them to every subsequent Super Bowl party for all eternity, because your peeps will insist!) When you make them, make WAY more than you think is reasonable. I’m serious. Go to a wholesale food club and buy as many chicken wings as you can manage, along with a gigantic container of grated parmesan. (The stuff in the green can is perfect for this!) I found the recipe years ago and have made a few changes. The biggest one involves using water rather than MELTED BUTTER to moisten the wings. You will thank me for that as well. After you’ve gobbled down half your weight in chicken wings, you’ll be glad that a pound of butter was not part of the mix! If you’ve never cut your own wings into “flats” and “drummettes”, don’t panic. With a good, sharp knife, it is not hard at all. Follow the pictures, or search for a youtube video. You may even find them pre-portioned.

Just jump right in there and get going. Might as well start right now, because your first batch might never make it to the party. It might only make it to your belly! If you’re not going to a Super Bowl party, or don’t give two hoots about football at all, make these anyway. But I must deliver a warning: You may become addicted. You’re welcome!
Serves many, or just 1
4 lbs. chicken wings
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 Tablespoons dried parsley
1 Tablespoon dried oregano
1 Tablespoon dried basil
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°.
Cut the wings into flats and drummettes. Save the pointy tips for chicken stock.
Combine the grated parmesan cheese and the spices and sprinkle half onto a plate or shallow bowl.
Line a sheet pan or shallow baking pan with foil (do not omit this step or you will be scrubbing the pan for days!) and spray foil with cooking spray.
Fill a mixing bowl half full with water.
Dip the wing pieces into the water, then into the grated cheese mixture, turning to coat on all sides. Place the coated wings on the foil lined sheet pan. When the grated cheese mixture is running low on your plate, sprinkle on the other half of the mix and continue. Bake wings for 1 hour at 350°. Kick yourself that you didn’t make a double batch!